Prayer Linked to Faith
The Strength of your Faith is linked to how much you pray. Jesus referred to this in the parable called, “The Persistent Widow,” found in Luke 18:1-8
One of the helpful ways to keep your prayer life fresh is to pray, from your heart, one of written prayers of the Puritans. I find them incredible motivating, below is one of my favorites.
Lord Jesus, I am blind, be my light, I am ignorant, be my wisdom, I am self-willed, help me to submit to You. Open my ears Lord, to grasp quickly your Spirit’s voice from the Scriptures. Help me to be delighted to open your Word and grant me the grace to obey it. Melt my conscience that no hardness remains, make it sensitive to evil’s slightest touch, help me to hate sin and anything that stands between us.
When Satan approaches, may I always flee to your Arms, for you are my Good Shepheard and You will lead me to still waters. Cause me to lie down besides your rivers of comfort and fill me with peace. Allow no disquieting worldly gales ruffles the clam surface of my soul.
Your Cross was raised for my Refuge. Your Blood streamed forth to wash me clean. Your Death occurred to give me the guarantee of Life, Eternal Life. In Your Name I hope. Lord, pour heaven into my heart that I might not consider this life of any value.
I was a stranger, and You took me in, I was an outcast, rebellious and a slave to sin, yet your cross brought me close to you and has made me your child. Your cross exchanged my hard heart for a soft heart of flesh. What could I possibly give to You for your kindness, love, sacrifice and patience? I have nothing to offer but myself as it says in Romans chapter 12. Therefore, I offer my body as a living sacrifice and willingly become your slave. I am no longer my own for I belong to you, Lord Jesus.
Grant that I may see that my prayers and genuine faith are linked together. Grant that I may walk humbly with You and to love justice, and mercy. Lord you are worthy to receive all praise, glory and honor due your most holy Name. Amen.