What is The Gospel?

The Gospel is believing in the person of Christ, specifically His Death, Burial, and Resurrection. B.C. stands for Before Christ and A.D. stands for Anno Domini, Latin meaning In the Year of Our Lord. Jesus isn’t in a grave; He was raised from the dead on the Sunday following His crucifixion. But why, you might ask, do I need to believe in something so old? Here is why: you and I were born as sinners in our nature, you never have to teach a child to sin, because it’s in every person. Look at our world today, all the wars, violence, hatred, and crime demonstrate our sinfulness. We all deserve God’s judgment and the sentence of hell, but God so loved us that He has provided a way of escape.

Sin alienates us from God, and it makes us blind to know Him. Yet, Jesus said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life!” (John 3:16) Now when a person believes in Jesus as Lord and Savior, God removes the blinders, and we can begin to know and experience God here and now! You might ask, what do I need to believe about Jesus? That He left heaven, was born of a virgin (so he would not inherit a sinful nature), lived a perfect sinless life for thirty-three years, suffered on a cross, and died so that God could forgive us of our sins. God judged Jesus instead of judging us. Jesus was then buried, according to the scriptures, and on the third day, He rose from the dead and is in Heaven and will return to bring us back with Him to Heaven. As a result of Christ taking our punishment, God can now forgive those who believe and trust in Jesus.

By trusting Him to save us, instead of trusting in ourselves, and believing He died and rose again, you will have eternal life. I pray that you all believe in Christ and receive Him into your life as Lord and Savior. Read John 1:12.

Our personalities (souls) do not die. They live on after our bodies are put in the grave. Jesus told us, “What does it profit a person to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36) In other words, our souls continue to live after we die, but where we go depends on what we believe. If you believe that Jesus died on a cross to forgive you of your sins and that His righteousness has been accredited to your life, then your soul will go to Heaven to be with Him. I don’t want to think of the alternative. I love you all very much and I’ve been praying that all of you will believe in Christ and be together in Heaven.

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