Depression, Is There Hope?
Depression can be more than feeling a bit down.
I worked for over 11 years at the Ventura County Rescue Mission, and I am certified Level II of the IBCD (Biblical Counseling and Discipleship) I have counseled hundreds of people who were deeply depressed. This was mostly due to their drug and alcohol use, resulting in their homelessness, but even though they were depressed, most learned to come out of it. I don’t have the space to deal with those who have a major depressive disorder, but I would counsel those who do, to seek out pastors or biblical teachers who have been trained in the IBCD or something similar, for there is genuine freedom from depression. I will focus on those who have a moderate depressive cycle.
I was depressed yesterday because the sun didn’t appear all day, and so was Dottie, pictured above. I am not going to deal with this either, because we all recognize “bad days.” Instead, I want to discuss moderate depression which is prevalent today in the Church and with Christians. Is there hope to be free from depression without drugs or long-term therapeutic sessions? Yes! First, we must answer this, why do I get depressed? For the Christian, depression usually has a spiritual cause, look at the following.
- Sin makes your life miserable and unconfessed sin leads to guilt which increases depression.
- In Psalm 32, King David’s depression lifted when he repented of his sins. Vs.1-5
- If you fail to realize that your sin is forgiven once you confess, then depression lingers. I John 1:9
- Depression can be caused by overwhelming circumstances, Ps. 42:1-7
- Depression can be caused by relationships that fail, death, or injustice. Ps.73:2-14, Jer.17:5-6
- Sometimes depression is caused by exhaustion, or weakness, or as we get older. I Kings 19:4f
- Sometimes there are multiple causes. (All the above)
As Believers, how do we get out of depression?
- Stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself! (You will not go nuts) Psalm 42:5
- Don’t judge reality by your circumstances, II Cor. 5:7, II Kings 6:16-17 (Walk by Faith)
- Remember your past joy with God (When I open my Bible depression flees) Psalm 42:4
- Set your mind on the things above! Colossians 3:1-4 Focus on the coming joy.
- Give God thanks, especially when you don’t feel like it. (Sacrifice of Thanksgiving, Jonah 2:9)
- Remember God’s loving-kindness towards you! Isaiah 49:15-16 (I will not forget you–God)
- Jesus suffered spiritual thirst on the cross so you would thirst no more! John 4:13-14
Practical things to do.
- Get good sleep, eat good food, stay away from sugar and flour when you are depressed.
- Exercise, if you can’t jog, walk, if you can’t walk far, walk as far as you can before the pain begins.
- Ask God, the Holy Spirit to bring up any sin in your life, confess and forsake, Proverbs 28:13.
- Trust God’s sovereignty over your circumstances Romans 8:28.
- Repeat this list in Philippians 4:8 to yourself.
- Practice the presence of God by reading His Word daily. Praying as you read.
- Get rid of your earthly expectations and Hope in God alone, Hebrews 13:5-6…The Lord is my helper!
If depression get worse or no improvement, seek biblical counseling, try to avoid medications unless your doctor believes there is risk of suicide or depression due to a brain injury. The reason for this is anti-depressants are given out like candy and they even claim it cannot cure depression, just some of the symptoms. Christians, Jesus wants you to be full of joy, for He said, “My joy I give you that your joy may be full.” And remember, the second fruit of the Holy Spirit is Joy, after love. Gal. 5:22
May the God of all comfort, comfort you this very day.
John E. Saltee