America’s Greatest Sin: 63 million Abortions
At one time, the Greatest sin in America was Slavery, but today, it’s the Murder of the Innocent
Many will not like that I have posted this, and many more will not like what I have to say about Abortion. But I can’t be silent, nor could I be silent if I lived in Germany during the reign of Adolf Hitler, as he ordered the Nation to turn against the Jews. Some have said that “I have no right to talk about Abortion because I am not a woman.” With that logic, it would have been wrong of me to speaking against Hitler because I am not a Jew. The fact is, I have every right to speak against this heinous crime, for if Abortion would have been legal in 1953, I probably wouldn’t be here, because my natural parents could not afford to raise another child, so they put me up for Adoption, Abortion affects us all, for it has robbed the world of millions of humans who are created in God’s image.
We are living in unprecedented times, for this nation is guilty of murdering over 63 million human beings. Do you ever think that our current suffering as a nation is because of the holocaust we are committing? God who created the Heavens and the Earth holds life, plants, animals, fish, and bugs, in high esteem. Yet, the crown of His creation is human beings and God holds us so dear that He says in the first book of the Bible, Genesis 9:6, “Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for God created man in His own image.” God is stating the need for Capital Punishment, because He hold human life precious, and anyone who willfully takes the life of another, forfeits their own life and shall be put to death by civil authorities. Every abortion is willful murder and all who take part in it shall be held accountable and they will stand guilty before God Almighty.
You can deny this, a person can say that a fetus isn’t human, but left untouched that “fetus” will grow into a beautiful baby, proving that argument is illogical. Many have said that there would be thousands of unwanted babies if abortion wasn’t legal. Then it’s time to teach and practice abstinence, and for both male and females to practice self-control, instead of engaging in sexual activities and thinking if she gets pregnant, we will just abort the child, like an unwanted cockroach. Sin begets sin, but don’t double-down on your guilt by killing a baby.
The following facts are only for those who believe the Bible is our ultimate authority. God makes it clear that He forms us in our mother’s womb, according to the prophet Isaiah 44:2, “Thus says the Lord who made you, who formed you from the womb.” We are not just a product of casual sex; God forms the life of everyone in the womb, DNA proves every fetus is distinct and separated from others. And God gave laws protecting the unborn in Exodus 21:22-25, “When men fight together and one hits a pregnant woman and she delivers her baby, but there is no harm, a fine shall be imposed. But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life.” In our laws today, “if you kill a woman by driving drunk you are guilty of taking one life, but if she is pregnant, you are now guilty of taking two lives,”- California Highway Patrol. How can the courts hold people accountable if that which is inside her is only a clump of cells? It’s because it is only common sense that if the accident did not happen a baby would be born. A fetus left to develop, without interference, will continue to grow into a full born baby. In Psalm 139:13-16, David says, “You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made… my soul knows it well.”
Like the words toddler and adolescent, the terms embryo and fetus doesn’t refer to nonhumans, but to human beings at various stages of development. Now, once we acknowledge this and believe the unborn fetus is a human being, then it begs the question of their right to live, regardless of how they were conceived. What is sickening is the vast majority of abortions occur so that the mother’s lifestyle is not interrupted. Isn’t it reasonable for society to expect the adult(s) to live temporarily with this “inconvenience” rather than the alternative which is putting the fetus to death? Yet today many have a narcissistic personality, thinking they will not allow an infant to interrupt their lifestyle. As the Bible states in Second Timothy 3:1-5, “Understand this, in the last days difficult times will come for people will be lovers of self…” lovers of self is a perfect description of a narcissistic personality.
Even if rape and incest occur which is only 1% of abortions, this doesn’t mean the child is despicable and should be snuffed out. It is also ludicrous to abort a fetus in an attempt to reduce the trauma to the woman because of the rape, when in fact you actually increase the woman’s trauma. Thousands of women suffer relentless guilt for aborting their baby, this act of abortion causes more trauma than we can imagine. Why? Because you are willingly taking a human life. People today have more compassion on dogs who are mistreated than they do for a human. It is a sad documented reality that a fetus will move away from the doctor, inside the womb, to escape their execution.
Anyone who claims to a Christian should support the complete abolishment of Abortion, for our country is guilty of one of the greatest sins that has ever been committed in the history of civilization. If we compare America with ancient Rome, before her fall in 410 A.D., as a Nation we have surpassed their corruption and paganism.
Over the years as executive Director of the men’s and woman’s Rescue Missions, I counseled many women who had abortions, and some had multiple abortions. I noticed several still carried their guilt and shame of that decision. Even when they were told, many times, by family members and doctors that they were not taking a life, “just a clump of cells,” they still believed deep down inside that it was wrong, and some told me, “It felt like murder.” I was able to reassure them that Christ died to forgive them of all their sins, including abortion. As long as a person has breath and turns to Christ while still living, they can experience genuine forgiveness and cleansing. This is my prayer for every woman who has had abortions, but to the doctors and nurses who encourage abortions and commit murder, woe to you, and to all who encourage this gross sin.
To all who claim to be a Christian, but believe a woman has the right to be pro-choice, stop calling yourself a follower of Christ, for you are not following Him and He is not on your side. Jesus will not hold you guiltless in the Day of Judgment because God is always pro-Life when it comes to the topic of Abortion.
As a believer in Christ how can you get involved in stopping this nightmare? Here are a few suggestions.
- Pray for the leaders in government that God would bind their conscience against abortions.
- Write your congressman or congresswoman.
- Support Pregnancy centers and Clinics who are against abortion.
- Support those who are on the Front lines. I know a person who is very active in this work, and he served with me as a Chaplain at the Ventura County Rescue Mission for eleven years. His name is Tim Clement and is the Outreach Director of the group, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust. He holds an M.A. in Biblical Studies from Knox Theological Seminary and has a heart for reaching people for Christ. Becki and I support him monthly, because he not only deals with government issues related to abortion but has led many to become Christians who were once very liberal and leading alternative lifestyles. He is worthy of your support, if interested contact me and I will give you his personal information to talk to him. You can reach me at jsfiredup@gmail.com and leave a message.
A Slave of Christ Jesus,