Wise as Serpents, Innocent as Doves

In Matthew 10:16, Jesus said, “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”

We are living in a world that is increasing its hatred towards Christians. This age is becoming more like Rome in the first century, and these words of Jesus are important for us today. We live in a world full of wolves and sheep are on the menu, but the best way to understand what Jesus is saying is to look to Him as our example of being wise and innocent.

What was Jesus’ view of people in general?

John 2:24 states, but Jesus on His part did not entrust Himself to men, because He knew what was in man. Way too many Christians are crushed because of pastors, leaders and mentors who did not live up to Christian standards. To keep from wobbling in your faith one must realize that all men are sinful and prone to becoming self-serving (only staying close to the grace of Christ can keep us on the narrow path) Once you realize this about men, you begin to look past them to the Perfect One, Jesus Christ. Even the great Apostle Paul said in Acts 17:11-12, that the Berea’s were more noble for they received the Word… but then examined the scriptures daily to see if what Paul was teaching was true.

There is a link between Nobility and Wisdom.

Therefore, to become wise as serpents, one must not entrust himself to man but place his trust completely in the Lord Jesus Christ and become His disciple. This doesn’t mean you can’t learn from godly pastors and men, but Christ is the only One who is worthy of our complete trust!

Innocent as Doves…

How does a person usually respond when someone hurts them or tells them something they don’t want to hear? Anger, sarcasm, contempt, hatred? This is where being innocent as doves comes into play. In this context, Jesus is sending His sheep out to witness for the kingdom of God. How does the world respond to being told that they are sinful, and that God is angry with them, but there is good news if they repent and believe the gospel? If you can get this far, you are often met with anger or sarcasm and told to just go away. People today, do not like to be told that they are sinful, and that God is angry with them. That is why many preachers today avoid this subject and begin with, “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.” A very foolish way to start, for this cheapens the grace of God.

If we are going to be like Jesus and respond to this world’s hatred towards Christ, Christians, and His gospel, we must respond to them with gentleness, kindness and patience. That is what being as innocent as a dove means. We must remember we are not called to win an argument, but to win them over to Christ. Proverbs 11:30, He that wins souls is wise! (NKJV)

Look at the way our Savior dealt with the woman at the well, in John chapter 4:1-43, Christ’s patience, compassion, and straight forward talk, telling her she was a sinner, not only led the woman to Himself, but almost converted the entire town!

Now, let’s go out and do likewise, be as wise as serpents, but innocent as doves.

Soli Deo Gloria,
