The Great Exchange
As Executive Director of the Ventura County Rescue Mission (retired) I would ask prospective employees a very important question, what is the Gospel? It didn’t matter to me if they were being hired as a Chaplain or Driver, if they were going to serve at our gospel-focused Rescue Mission, they needed to be able to clearly explain the Gospel. I discovered that some of them had the gospel half right, which is what many evangelicals believe today.
The following is what they said the Gospel was; Jesus came to earth, born of a virgin and suffered and died on a cross to forgive those who believe of all their sins. On the third day He rose again and is now in heaven, if you believe this you are saved. This is the common understanding of the Gospel. Unfortunately, it’s only half the story. For if Jesus only died for our sins, we would be innocent, but not righteous. Let me explain.
In Matthew 5:20, Jesus tells us, “Unless our righteousness exceeds that of the Scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” In Matthew 5:48, Jesus says, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” The Apostle Peter quotes Leviticus 11:44, “You shall be holy, for I am holy,” declares the Lord.
We have a problem here; how can we be perfect or as holy as God? Short answer? We can’t.
Jesus lived to the age of 33, if He came only to die for our sins, couldn’t Jesus have died at age 18 or 25? Why did our savior live to the age of 33? Because He lived for us. What do you mean John? We cannot live a perfect, sinless life, but Jesus did. Jesus was a perfect child, a perfect pre-teen, a perfect and sinless teenager (Think about that one for a moment) He was a perfect young man without lust, envy, hatred, wrath or sin of any kind. And Jesus was the perfect Man, fulfilling every one of God’s commandments from the heart.
If you are a student of the Bible, you know this already, but the most important aspect of Christ’s perfect obedience is God transferring His righteousness to us who believe. This is the Great Exchange, when we believe, God transfers our sinfulness to Christ, who pays the price of our sins, and then transfers the righteousness of Christ to us!
Therefore, when we are asked to explain the Gospel, it should go something like this.
As sinful humans we have no access to God and are under His judgement. This is bad news, but I have good news, in fact the word Gospel means Good News, and here is the Good News. Although we are enemies of God, Jesus was sent by the Father to be born of a virgin, so as to not inherit our sinful nature. He lived a perfect life of obedience to God and never sinned. Christ was rejected, crucified, dead and buried, He was buried in a tomb, but on the third He rose again. Christ ascended into heaven and in time He will return to judge the living and the dead. If you believe this and (Repent) turn from your sins to trust Christ alone for salvation, believing God raised Jesus from the dead and confessing Him as Lord. You shall be saved! For God transfers all your sins upon Christ and then transfers Christ’s righteousness to you! This is the Gospel – the Great Exchange. A person who is truly saved, their old sinful nature is changed, and that person begins to live a life of Righteousness, Faith, Good Works and Purity.
Soli Deo Gloria,