God Meant It For Good!

Samuel Brengle was a worker with the Salvation Army in Boston decades ago. As he passed by a saloon, someone inside threw a brick at him, hitting him in the head. Unfortunately, their aim was good because Brengle nearly died. He spent eighteen months in recovery and during this time he wrote a little book entitled, Helps to Holiness.

After he was able to begin preaching again, people would often stop by and thank him for his little book. He would respond by saying, “If there had been no little Brick, there would have been no little Book!” His beloved wife saved the brick and had Genesis 50:20 engraved on it: “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.”

If you are going through something right now that seems unfair ask your Heavenly Father, what lesson(s) are you trying to teach me through this pain? As a child of the King of kings nothing happens in your life that isn’t ordained by your benevolent Father. Pain always has a purpose for His beloved children.