Global Flood or Local Flood?
Have you ever wondered why or how after a Hurricane, Typhon or Tsunami, when the seas are driven up into the coast, they always find their way back to their original location? It’s because of God’s command, Proverbs 8:29, “When He assigned to the seas it’s limit, so that the waters might not transgress His command.” Amazing, with all the study of Oceanography, the bottom line is after all the science, it is God who holds our seas in check.
Yet, according to the Scriptures God sent a flood upon the earth so devastating that it killed all humanity, all fish, reptiles, and birds, except those saved in the Ark. What could kill fish swimming in the ocean or the birds flying in the sky? A more difficult question is this, how could the entire world be flooded? What kind of height would the waters need to be to cover Mount Everest at 29,032′ or K2 at 28,251′? Because of questions like these, many Christians, reject a global flood and say it was a local flood.
According to Genesis 7:11, “All the fountains of the deep burst forth.” Not only did it rain hard for 40 days and 40 nights, but God opened all the fountains of the deep! Then the Scriptures record a terrifying thing, that when all the animals and Noah’s family were safely in the Ark, in Genesis 7:16, “The LORD shut them in.” God closed the door so no one from the outside could open it, neither could Noah, when he heard the cries for help from the people outside the Ark. The decision to be saved and enter the Ark was over.
Genesis 7:19, “The waters prevailed so mightily on the earth that ALL the high mountains were cover.” and Genesis 7:21, “All flesh died that moved on the earth, birds, livestock, beasts, and all swimming creatures as well as mankind.” What kind of violent flood would there be to kill the fish and birds? And how could you cover the entire earth at 30,000′ with water and then have it subside? Where would the water go? Although I believe I have the answer, it is speculation, at best, and SiFi, at worst.
Scientists tell us that at one time the Eastern tip of South America fit nicely into the Western side of Africa. As well as the Eastern side of Canada and the Eastern U.S. fit into Western Europe. It has been suggested that these Continents moved because they rest on Tectonic Plates. This is true, but I don’t believe it happened 300 million years ago, but at the Great Genisis Flood! Stay with me here…
When it says that the Flood happened by Rain and the Fountains of the Great Deep (Oceans) burst forth, at that time God moved the Continents to their current location causing massive Tsunamis and earthquakes killing ocean creatures, birds and all humanity. But this still doesn’t account for the depth of the flood covering all high mountains? Unless the mountains were not as high as they are today? God could have raised the mountains after the 40 days and 40 nights, causing the waters to subside to the boundaries you find them today. Naoh lands on a mountain that God had raised up, and they begin their new lives, with the animals that were saved, then God sets the rainbow.
The reason I like this view of Noah’s flood is because it doesn’t deny the Gobal flood nor how the water receded. Again, it is speculation, but it’s plausible to me.