Weak Faith?

It’s good for the soul to realize that our imperfect faith can still cling to Christ.

If our faith is so weak that it is barely heard, still it is enough to clasp the robe of Christ and to experience His full forgiveness.

Our faith may be weak, immature, timid, and even at times absent, it is still connecting us to Christ, and we are declared by the Father to be His children.

For you see, faith connects the total unworthy person to the total perfection of Christ. By faith Christ becomes the soul’s righteousness, our righteous breastplate is given to us by God through the smallest seed of faith.

Love is the crowning Grace in Heaven, but faith is the conquering Grace on earth.

As believers grown in their faith the more they become like Christ. One only needs a glimmer of faith to be saved, but great faith to become more and more like Christ.

Where does faith come from? Romans 10:17, “So faith comes by hearing, and hearing the words of Christ.”

Therefore, beloved, read, listen to, and study the Word of God so your faith will grow stronger and stronger, until you look back after and couple of years and do not recognize yourself for you are more righteousness and more like Christ than ever before.

On the journey with you,
