The Imago Dei

Like this man above, many live in fear, guilt, anxiety, and the shame of failing to meet parental or social expectations, causing the self-righteous to label them as a danger to society. The result is they feel less than human and struggle to find hope or believing they would be given a second chance. This stems from an unbiblical view of who we are as God’s crown of creation, for we all were created in the Imago Dei, the Image of God.

Although the Image of God has been marred from the fall, as recorded in Genesis chapter 3, the fall did not erase God’s image in us. God’s desire is to restore His image in those who believe in Christ, referred to in Scripture as our Justification. Then we are called to abide in Christ, this is our Sanctification, where Christians become more and more like their Lord Jesus Christ.

Today, there is a breakdown of this clear understanding from Scripture, due to not understand the difference between self-esteem and our total depravity.

Every parent should encourage their child to do the very best, and when a child brings home a “B” on an exam, even if the parents were hoping for an “A,” they should still affirm their child’s grade. Same with riding a bike for the first time, or playing sports, encourage them to do their very best. But today’s thinking doesn’t understand the difference between encouraging a child or person to do their best and at the same time teaching them that their very nature is totally depraved.

Being totally depraved doesn’t mean they are as bad as could be, but that every aspect of a person’s mind, will, emotions, and body has been affected by sin. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” They still have freedom of choice, but they will choose according to their nature, which is sinful. That is why Jesus said, “you must be born again before you can see the kingdom of God.” To deny total depravity and a sinner’s desperate need of a Savior renders a person unmotivated and blind to the Gospel.

Why would a person, growing up in this culture today feel the need to repent and believe in Christ as Savior? For they are always told how good they are, (everyone gets a trophy at games) how gifted they are, that they have a good heart, and that God loves them. Again, this is not wrong in and of itself, but you can’t stop there, you must tell them that even one sin condemns us. Only when a person feels the guilt of sin and condemnation from God, does the Gospel seem like good news.

There is real bad news, God will hold every person accountable to Him and says, “the soul that sins shall surely die.” Jesus said, “Every careless word that a person speaks, they shall give an account on the Day of judgment.” Paul writes, “knowing the fear of the Lord we persuade men.” We are sinners, not just because we sin, but because our very nature is sinful.

Here is the Good News, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. This is a famous quote, but two verses down are not quoted as often. John 3:18, “Whoever believes in Him (Christ) is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already.” Our only hope is to confess our sins, repent, and believe in Christ as Savior, if not, your condemnation is eternal, and the Image of God remains marred.

Christus Omni Nova (Christ makes all things new)
